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You were a friend then and always
Written by: lucicerious

I’ve been through hard times in my life,
stuck in some stupid situation along the line.
But your door seemed to always be open.
I’ve closed mine on you a couple of times,
But you forgave me as I’m weak.
A weakness which has got much stronger,
Stronger because of you.
You’re every dream friend that someone wants.
You are my hero for who I model myself to.
To me you'll always be a friend as you always have been.
A shining star of guidance,
A tree of inspiration,
A pool of hope.
Secrets exchanged here and there,
the most embarrassing situations remain between us.
You were a friend then, and always.

I wrote this one in 1999, again another old piece from when I was 16, I had wrote it dedicated to my best friend at the time, but after a year from writing this our friendship deteriated, he had changed into someone I didn't like or want to know. So now the spot of "Best Friend" is empty........

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