My Way1846 viewsby Panzer     (11 votes)

Untitled1988 viewsBy Bruna     (14 votes)

drink!1752 views     (17 votes)

jeff1164 viewslove of my life     (15 votes)

zeni1016 viewsthis is me yup, good-o-me      (12 votes)

Wampwaltz2090 viewsby Panzer     (9 votes)

1290 viewsMade by Kontrabandistka     (6 votes)

Virtual Sickness1349 views...     (6 votes)

corintios1494 views     (6 votes)

Soulshroude1555 viewsNothing special, just a pic...Though I very much distain having pics taken of me, I decide to be nice once in a blood moon (lol). Likes include freemasonry, poetry, philosophy, those whom take pride and great courage to respect themselves and take the honour to speak freely with no BS involved. Dislikes include those whom have no honour within themselves, thieves of the heart and soul, those of whom lack respect for their fellow creatures. I take as is with no judgement to entangle the subtleties of life     (6 votes)

zombie601 viewspic made by me_deadman_
manu666chandel@yahoo.co.in     (3 votes)
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