Date added=Jan 08, 2006 390522515_m[1].jpg](albums/userpics/thumb_390522515_m%5B1%5D.jpg)
Danielle977 viewsmyspace.com/mourning_child

Blood for Baphomet976 viewsI had planned on visiting my beloved Rookwood Cemetary a few days ago, but to my disappointment, the rain just would not stop.
Vampire Since cameras and water don't play well together, I decided an indoor shoot would be more suitable. This gothic artwork is entitled 'Blood for Baphomet'

victoria gothic 974 viewskindred_blood@hotmail.com

nothing special973 viewsthebitterend@freemail.hu

AngelOfDecadence973 views

Kelendria972 views

me_andyou.jpg971 views

Nanogod970 viewshttp://www.nanogod.de/

Evil Me (aka Pieter, Pol de Mol, Dark Soul Creeping In t968 viewsTHiS My OWN SeLF. NoTHiNG MoRe To Say.

Zombie Wife967 views

incomplete965 viewslouise07749@hotmail.co.uk add me if you wish


Viktoria963 viewshekate.helvete@interia.pl

Ravyn961 views

Velvelt_Pain958 viewsBlackangel
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