Most viewed - Dracula's Mirror (Jpeg / PNG files only) |

Paradisal Pallbearers1660 views

Ahoy, me mateys!1647 viewsYou scurvy lubbers, I'll have your keel haul.

Elme1644 views


Bride of Drac1625 views

daniel1624 views

Joe-Anne1612 views

BumbleBeeTuna1597 views

Gothslave 20061588 views

muizu1587 viewsMe at times here in Finland. If you wish to know more, just ask.

The Beautiful Child1586 views

Ophelia Immortal1581 viewsFind me on OCS as OpheliaImmortal

I1570 views

Haley1566 views

Soulshroude1555 viewsNothing special, just a pic...Though I very much distain having pics taken of me, I decide to be nice once in a blood moon (lol). Likes include freemasonry, poetry, philosophy, those whom take pride and great courage to respect themselves and take the honour to speak freely with no BS involved. Dislikes include those whom have no honour within themselves, thieves of the heart and soul, those of whom lack respect for their fellow creatures. I take as is with no judgement to entangle the subtleties of life
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