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Old Curiosity Shop : Gallery of Black Art / Dracula's Mirror - Surreal, Industrial and Black Fantasy Artworks

Home > Gallery of Black Art (Jpeg / PNG files only)

samples of work
just some samples of the work i've done. their mostly acrylic on board painted from photos, except the really good ones which i apologise about but my set up here is really basic. yin yang, mummy, ganga, r lifesize to 3-5 foot, cut out wood and painted. the mummy is life size. sos about pic quality, painter not photographer. am genuine, and my new gallery has closed b4 it bloody opened...bills. get a real hand painted portrait of ur partner cheap, board or canvas ur size spec e-mail jhnnybd67@yahoo.co.uk 
Keywords: acrylic work samples, send pic or just mail me

samples of work

just some samples of the work i've done. their mostly acrylic on board painted from photos, except the really good ones which i apologise about but my set up here is really basic. yin yang, mummy, ganga, r lifesize to 3-5 foot, cut out wood and painted. the mummy is life size. sos about pic quality, painter not photographer. am genuine, and my new gallery has closed b4 it bloody opened...bills. get a real hand painted portrait of ur partner cheap, board or canvas ur size spec e-mail jhnnybd67@yahoo.co.uk

18082007(008).jpg vamphand2.jpg georges_pics~1.jpg Picture_020.jpg big_027.jpg

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